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WATCH: Bear dangles out 2nd story window of Steamboat Springs home

Bear tries to escape home in Steamboat Springs
Bear tries to escape home in Steamboat Springs 00:29

UPDATE: The bear that climbed into a house in the Blue Sage neighborhood of Steamboat Springs last week sadly had to be euthanized.

A bear got into a home in Steamboat Springs and seemed to have some trouble getting back outside. The bear broke into the home through a main floor window. 

H. Hannah

Then wandered around inside the home and tried to get back outside through a second-story window. But that didn't seem to work out so well because the bear was hanging out the window, dangling several feet above the ground. 

The bear took a moment, still hanging onto the window sill, and looked around before clawing back into the house. The bear eventually found the way back to the original window on the main floor and got back outside to wander off into the woods. 

The residents of the home were not there when this happened. A neighbor took the video and called police for help. 

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