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Baby Born On Colfax With Help Of RTD Supervisor

DENVER (CBS4)- One little girl just couldn't wait to make her appearance and she was born on the way to the hospital early Wednesday morning.

St. Joseph's Hospital received a call about 3:40 a.m. when the baby's father called to say they weren't going to make it to the hospital.

The couple had previously been at the hospital but they wanted to go home to rest until the baby's birth was closer.

Labor and delivery medical staff coached the parents over the phone how to help the baby into this world.

RTD Street Supervisor Fran Metz jumped in to help when she saw that something was going on.

"Well, I was parked here in the bus stop and a white mini-van pulled up in front of my car and a man jumped out and ran up to the car panicked and said, 'Help me! Help me! My wife's having a baby!'" said Metz. "And I thought, 'Oh my goodness, I'm going to have to deliver a baby' so I jumped out of the car and ran over to their vehicle and fortunately for me she had already had the baby."

She said this is the first time anything like that has happened to her. Metz said mom and the little girl are doing just fine and that dad has since calmed down.

No word on the little girl's name.

Denver Health paramedics transported the newborn and her mother back to St. Joe's.

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