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Aurora Police Chief Art Acevedo admits to his own policy violation: "I'm not afraid to fess up"

Aurora Police Chief Art Acevedo has acknowledged to his department that he violated his own department's body-worn camera policy during an incident Dec. 9, 2022, four days after he began working at the Aurora Police Department.

According to his department-wide email, obtained by CBS News Colorado, the incident happened while he was on patrol with a field sergeant and contacted the driver of a vehicle. 

"As I exited our patrol vehicle I attempted to activate my body-worn camera," wrote Acevedo in the Wednesday email. He said he pressed "the event button one time and simultaneously verbally announced to my partner 'cameras.' Although I verbally announced my belief that the camera was activated, I later discovered it had not been activated because I did not press the event button the required two times".

Acevedo went on to say that as required by policy, he requested and received counseling for the first instance of failure to activate the BWC. 

"We frequently discuss the importance of holding ourselves and each other accountable in this agency. I share this with you in the spirit of transparency," wrote Acevedo, "and to demonstrate our commitment to organizational excellence."

Contacted by CBS News Colorado, Acevedo said, "I think its important to always be upfront with the people you lead. We make mistakes. We're all human beings. I'm not afraid to fess up."

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