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Aurora plans comprehensive transportation overhaul to enhance accessibility

Getting from one side of Aurora to the other isn't always easy, especially without a car. Now, the city is striving to ensure accessibility for all residents regardless of their transportation situation.

"We're developing this plan to really prepare for the future of transportation in Aurora," said Carlie Campuzano, traffic manager at the City of Aurora in the Public Works Department.

Surprisingly, Aurora, the state's third-largest city, has never compiled a comprehensive transportation plan before.


Campuzano explained that while the city has previously developed transportation plans for different sections, this current effort is unprecedented.

"I think it's because the city has developed in different phases over time, with northwest Aurora being much older and active development in the eastern parts of the city," Campuzano said.

The city is currently conducting a multiyear study to connect these disparate areas, aiming to improve mobility for residents and visitors alike. They have been gathering feedback on travel habits to identify opportunities for improvement. Initial survey results have already provided valuable insights.

"Safety is a top priority for many people. They want a transportation network and system that makes them feel secure," Campuzano noted.

"We've also heard that many people currently rely on driving cars, often alone. This is largely due to our auto-centric infrastructure. However, people don't necessarily prefer car-dependent transportation."

The city has launched a second survey phase, actively engaging with the community to shape the future of transportation in Aurora based on public input.


"We will be developing scenarios, analyzing alternatives, and compiling a list of projects along with updates to policies and procedures," Campuzano added.

One imminent project that aligns with their goals is the upcoming Colfax Bus Rapid Transit project. 

They aim to secure funding for similar initiatives to expand citywide. Residents can contribute their thoughts on the city's website.

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