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Aurora Couple Unharmed After Car Smashed Into Home

AURORA, Colo. (CBS4)- An Aurora couple is considering moving after a car smashed into their bedroom. It happened on Monday at the corner of Baranmor Parkway and Ursula Street in Aurora. That's right where the street begins to bend.

The car crash into the home was caught on video. The homeowners said they heard a loud noise that sounded like an explosion.

In the video, the car makes a full stop, turns, then for some reason accelerates into the home.

Ross and Kathrin Getchell said this has happened to them several time since they moved into the home. That's why they put up surveillance cameras.

"It actually shook the house, the house actually moved. I didn't know what to think at first," said Ross. "We don't know what we're gonna do. Either move or stay, depends on what the city tells us."

The driver who crashed into their home was cited with careless driving.

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