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Aurora Central Library will get major facelift thanks to federal funds

Aurora Central Library will get major facelift thanks to federal funds
Aurora Central Library will get major facelift thanks to federal funds 02:26

Ginger White Brunetti the director of library and cultural services for the City of Aurora is pretty stoked these days.

"We were elated. I was just absolutely thrilled," said White Brunetti "It's been just thrilling news."

Ginger White Brunetti CBS

She learned earlier a few days ago that the Aurora Central Library received $3 million, thanks to the work of Congressman Jason Crow, (D) Colorado Congressional District 6, for a major renovation. Which it really needs because said the library was built in 1982 and hasn't really been updated since. 

"I was in second grade then, and I'm far from second grade now," said White Brunetti.

She says she's excited about all the projects they can undertake with this federal money.


"We can do some significant, modernization of the facility, but focus primarily on, teen programming and our youth services area. So, bringing in, 21st-century kind of programming, like, learning how to code or maker space and that sort of thing, and really making it an inviting place for teens want to be," said White Brunetti.

Right now, the teen area is small and in need of a serious upgrade. After the upgrade is complete, White Brunetti hopes will draw teens in and keep them out of trouble.


"Back in 2022, the city did an assessment around youth violence prevention, and what are those needs that can be met within the community to really help give, teens and young people, you know, positive places to be. And so, we think that this space and what we're going to be able to do with this $3 million really both supports not just the library and the library services, but broadly, the community, around youth violence prevention," said White Brunetti.


She says the renovations will help them better provide for their community along with the other regional libraries in and around Aurora.

"We're really hoping that they will see this as a welcoming place for them to come and enjoy, the new programming that we can offer," said White Brunetti.

As a part of the funding package from the federal government, Aurora will also receive $900,000 to replace some pressure regulating valves in their water system that were installed in the 1950s and 1960s.

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