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As Many As 5 Pot Initiatives Could Be On November Ballot

DENVER (CBS4) - Voters could see as many as five initiatives on this November's ballot that deal with marijuana -- most aimed at making it legal.

One initiative is already on the ballot and two others are in the signature gathering phase.

Two initiatives are getting a lot of attention. Both deal with making it legal to possess limited amounts of marijuana for those 21 or older. But only one is on the ballot so far for the November election.

For the second day the 4/20 rally was held in Civic Center Park. The crowd thinned since it began on Friday, but supporters were still taking in speakers and products were for sale.

Some wore tee shirts telling voters not to support Amendment 64, which will be on the ballot. It legalizes marijuana with some restrictions. It would treat marijuana like alcohol.

"First, it allows for adult use and possession of marijuana in a limited amount over the age of 21," Betty Aldworth with the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol said. "It creates a retail system where marijuana can be produced and sold in tightly regulated stores in the state of Colorado. It requires the state legislature to enact rules allowing for the production of industrial hemp."

Another initiative that is in the process of collecting enough signatures to make it on the ballot is 70, which would treat marijuana like tobacco. It would be a constitutional right for people 21 or older to have limited amounts. It would also do away with laws criminalizing marijuana.

About a week ago the Colorado Democratic Party said it supported, but not endorsed, Amendment 64, making it one of more than 400 planks in its platform. But for the first time, the state's Republican party is taking a stance against not only legalizing marijuana, but the medical infrastructure in place right now.

Colorado is one of two states, including Washington, considering legalizing pot for recreational purposes.

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