Arapco Sheriff Wants To Wait On Renaming Of Sullivan Detention Facility
CENTENNIAL, Colo. (CBS4) - After his arrest, former Arapahoe County Sheriff Pat Sullivan was held in the detention facility named after him -- something that's sparked conversation in Arapahoe County and the renaming of the building.
The issue has been tabled for now for at least 60 days. It was requested by current Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson.
Tuesday morning the Board of County Commissioners met to consider a naming facilities policy. The policy lists criteria such as facilities not being named for individuals.
Robinson appeared before the board personally and asked them to table any naming policy.
He did acknowledge the arrest of Sullivan as an embarrassing situation, but pointed out that because there is an ongoing investigation and that initial judicial proceedings would take at least 30 days, maybe more, now is not the time.
"There is the emotion of embarrassment we have all felt. There is a higher purpose here," Robinson said. "That higher purpose here is to ensure the integrity, the fairness, the dedication to the principals of the criminal justice system."
After the 60 days Robinson says he would contemplate before going to the board again with going forward with any motion.