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Adaptive Playground Prepares For Grand Opening In Aurora

AURORA, Colo. (CBS4) - An innovative and inclusive playground is finally about to open in Aurora. The grand opening has been years in the making.

CBS4's Jeff Todd first introduced Juliet Dawkins and the Lubird's Light Playground in 2018. The goal is to offer an area for all kids to play together with no barriers.

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The all-abilities playground sits in a park on the northwest side of the Stanley Marketplace.

There are ramps to make moving around easier, a swing and trampoline for wheelchairs as well as special sounds and colors for sensory feedback.

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The woman behind the playground says seeing it completed is a dream come true.

"I know that the experiences that kids are going to have are going to create a brighter world for that family for that child," said Juliet Dawkins, Executive Director of Lubird Light. "Any child that has a difference should be able to walk on playground, wheel on a playground, take your walker anything."

Dawkins first realized the lack of vital access for kids with special needs when she took her children to a playground. Lucia, Dawkins' daughter, has Pallister-Killian Syndrome, which affects her entire body. Only a few hundred people have PKS in the entire world.

Let's ALL PLAY! Please join us to celebrate our grand opening of LuBird's Light inclusive playground @...

Posted by LuBird's Light Foundation on Monday, September 20, 2021

The park will serve both Denver and Aurora and is only a few minutes away from Children's Hospital Colorado.

The park's grand opening will be Sept. 26 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. It will include a ribbon cutting ceremony, music, food and fun.

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