Adams County Deputy Fired, Arrested For Sexual Misconduct
BRIGHTON, Colo. (CBS4)- A deputy with Adams County was arrested on Wednesday night, suspected of sexual misconduct while on duty.
Brandon Donahue was terminated from his position as a deputy with the Adams County Sheriff's Office for violating departmental policies. Donahue, 25, had worked with the department since July 2013.
Adams County Sheriff Michael McIntosh said the alleged incident happened on Sept. 26 with an adult female. The victim was somebody who was known to Donahue.
"It was brought to our attention on Oct. 9 when the alleged victim took the brave measure of reporting this incident," said McIntosh. "Our department launched an investigation into the allegations immediately. During our investigation, Donahue admitted to sexual misconduct while on duty."
The details of the investigation have been turned over to the district attorney.
"I am outraged. Mr. Donahue was on duty at the time of this incident and his actions in no way reflect the professional standards we have established in this office," said McIntosh. "Trust and transparency are at the heart of every successful law enforcement agency."
Donahue is a U.S. Army veteran who served in Afghanistan. He was awarded the Bronze Star.
Donahue has posted $10,000 bond and has been released from custody.