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6 Serial Burglary Suspects In Custody, Linked To Dozens Of Break-Ins

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)- Six people were arrested in connection with burglaries at dozens of homes in Douglas County, suspected in 42 cases. Authorities believe the suspects are also responsible for a string of burglaries from Colorado Springs to Denver and from Parker to Golden.

The burglaries happened in the middle of the day. Thousands of items were stolen. Police said the suspects would use suitcases, pillow cases or other types of bags to load valuables and move it to a getaway vehicle.

Investigators said the thieves would knock on the door and if there was no answer, they would steal anything valuable, but targeted high-end electronics, cash and jewelry. If someone was home, the woman would apologize and explain that it was the wrong apartment.

"Flat screen TV off the wall in the family room, a laptop, a desktop computer, a bunch of jewelry," said burglary victim Nancy Golden when describing what was stolen from her home.

The Douglas County Sheriff's Office said the items were usually sold for drug money. More than 2,000 items have been recovered. The sheriff's office believes there may be more victims.

The suspects arrested include Brad Erickson, 33, Kelly Johnson, 43, Lee Redinger, 31, Andrea DeLeon, 35, Lisa Everhart, 32, John Lash, 44. They face more than 84 charges.

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