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5 Of Our Favorite Photos From The Running Of The Bulls

Some would argue that the annual Running of the Bulls each summer in Pamplona, Spain is not a sport - but I beg to differ.  First you have the uniforms - a diverse combination of red and white shirts, pants and bandanas. Then, you have the athleticism of running down narrow streets with thousands of other revelers.  And finally, there's the mental toughness of actually participating in an event that could lead to a bull's horn gorged into any number of places in your body. Yikes. With that being said, let's take a look from afar at five of our favorite photos from this week's Running of the Bulls...

5. Yeah, these guys are a little crazy. The guy in the blue shirt looks like he is about to jump on for a ride.


4. Strategy - stand off to the side.


3. We've heard that the turns on the small streets are the most difficult spots on the course for both the bulls and those being chased. 


2. Finding a not so great hiding place. 


1. Every team needs a captain. 

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