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Statue At Saint Francis Assisi Church Vandalized

CASTLE ROCK, Colo. (CBS4) - The statue at the Saint Francis Assisi Church has been shattered during the Christmas season.

"What Saint Francis stands for is peace, charity," Father John Kalabokes said.

When Kalabokes arrived at church last Wednesday he found Saint Francis' face in the bushes after an attack by a violent vandal.

"The whole front of his head is gone," Kalabokes said.

Kalabokes says he thinks the attacker used a metal bar or a baseball bat.

"With that thickness of fiberglass, it wasn't one swipe. I'm sure it took a couple or three hits to take it off," he said. "To me that shows anger; a real determination to cause damage … I see a real vendetta. Now is it against religion? Is it against Saint Francis parish? Is it against Saint Francis? I don't know."

The new $1,500 fiberglass statue was just set there three months ago after the original statue was stolen. Someone also left a note -- ransom style -- with cut out letters and a message about being struck. Kalabokes suspects the same person who stole the old statue also damaged the new one.

There are some surveillance cameras at the church. The trouble is the cameras are inside. Now with the two attacks on Saint Francis, the congregation is looking into placing cameras outside to keep an eye on things.

The church is also hoping some publicity prompts a few crime tips to lead police to a vandal who the church would like to reach out to, just like Saint Francis would have.

"Whatever anger, whatever animosity he has, it can be helped and we're here to help him."

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