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2 Wildfires Grow In Southern Colorado, 1 Approaches Ski Area

WOLF CREEK PASS, Colo. (CBS4) - Two wildfires are burning in the backcountry in the Wolf Creek Pass area of Southern Colorado.

A wildfire called the West Fork Fire has tripled in size. The fire has now burned 12,000 acres.

The fire is putting up a huge plume of smoke and can be seen many miles away in Creede.

Smoke from the fires has shut down Highway 160 over Wolf Creek Pass.

A second fire, closer to Wolf Creek Ski Area, has burned 700 acres. It is being called the Windy Pass Fire.

It has now burned within a quarter of a mile of the ski area boundary, but so far no structures have been destroyed.

Wildfire Resources

- Visit's Wildfire Resources section.

- Read recent Wildfire stories.

Wildfire Photo Galleries

- See images from the most destructive wildfires (Black Forest, Waldo Canyon, High Park and Fourmile) and largest wildfire (Hayman) in Colorado history.

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