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Zion Community Group Calls For Town Hall Meeting In Wake Of Fatal Police-Involved Shooting

(CBS) -- One group is calling for a march, another for a town hall meeting in the wake of the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old Waukegan resident by police in Zion, reports WBBM's Bob Roberts.

Community activist Clyde McLemore has called for a march Saturday but the Zion Minority Caucus believes a town hall meeting will do more to ease tensions stemming from the death of Justus Howell.


Jiquanda Nelson is a member of the caucus and does not want Zion to become another Ferguson, Missouri.

"With the recent events across the nation that involved police shootings, and we've seen communities really be torn down," Nelson said. "Our goal is to make sure our community is walking in the spirit of peace."

The caucus has not set a date. It is working with elected officials, community leaders and Howell's family. The family is not supporting the march.

Nelson says it is understandable to want answers, but says the caucus wants to make sure Zion is a community they want to live in.

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