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Zawaski: The 10 Most Loathsome St. Louis Blues Of All Time

By Jay Zawaski-

With the Detroit Red Wings likely headed to the Eastern Conference next season, it's time for Blackhawks fans to cuddle up to a new divisional and regional rival.

For many die hard Hawks fans (myself included), the St. Louis Blues have always been the team to hate. Sure, it was easy to dislike the Red Wings because of all of their success, but they're a classy organization with quality players that play skilled hockey.

The Blues, on the other hand, always seem to be full of whiners, underachievers, and all around jerks. Here's a look at some of the most reviled Blues throughout the years. If I missed anyone, please let me know in the comments section or on my Twitter (@jayzawaski670).

*Special thanks to Jim Chaplin for his help on some of the older players

10. Bernie Federko - Federko wasn't so much a goon as a perpetual Hawk killer. He was a great player who tallied more than 1,100 points in his 1,000 game career. He's also a relentless homer on Blues broadcasts.

For the rest of this list from the Red Light District, please click here.

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