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Zambrano Starts Road Back to Cubs

David Schuster is reporting, that according to Cubs GM Jim Hendry, Carlos Zambrano threw 25 pitches in Mesa, Arizona today. Hendry says there is no timetable for Z's return, but at some point Zambrano will make minor league appearance out of the bullpen and then will eventually return to Chicago.  And if all goes well, both on and off the field, he will return to the Cubs in a bullpen role.

On June 25th in a game against the White Sox Zambrano became irate in the dugout after aparently feeling that gold glove first baseman Derrek Lee didn't make a play on a ball that he should have. Zambrano was then sent home and would be subsequently suspended indefinalty. [photogallerylink id=22546 align=left]All this came after Zambrano, who was the Cubs' opening day starter, was moved to the bullpen in an effort to help him regain his mental and emotional edge. As part of his suspension Zambrano was to undergo anger management classes, whether or not these classes had any effect on him will be seen when he makes his return to the bullpen. However, the Cubs' must be careful in trying to contain the emotions of Zambrano, as he is a player who could lose his edge and as a result his abilities if forced to stay even keeled.

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