Wrigleyville Businesses Cashing In On Cubs Victory
CHICAGO (CBS) – The Cubs tied up the series and businesses are scoring big, thanks to the team's success.
After the famine of 71 years of baseball futility, businesses are cashing in on feast that is the Fall Classic.
Steve Shavitz, owner of Sports World, said the Cubs' October World Series is generating more revenue than he's ever seen in 40 years of business.
And other businesses are hoping to cash in too.
Some bars on the strip alongside the park are planning to charge $100, and some even $250 cover charges for drink and meal packages.
At least 300,000 people jammed into Wrigleyville for the NLCS clinch game. And that number is expected to jump during the World Series.
Susan Massel, with the Regional Transportation Authority, expects public ridership numbers to jump too.
Massel was buying Cubs gear to be sent to Cleveland. That's because if the Cubs win the boss of the RTA in the Cleveland area will have to wear the Cubs gear on the trains there.
And if it should go the other way, well we won't even talk about that.