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Will Martz Break Tradition?

Since coming off of their bye week, the Bears have showed a much more balanced offensive attack. Before Mike Martz took over the offensive play calling the Bears were primarily a running team. And as a result, had a roster built for running the football.

"The change in philosophy and the change in approach was playing towards the strength of the roster," Brad Biggs said on the Mully and Hanley Show. "That involved balancing out the play calling with Martz and that's something that we've seen for two weeks now. And it's something that's dramatically reduced the number of sacks that Jay Cutler has taken, and we've seen him more comfortable in the pocket."

LISTEN: Brad Biggs On The Mully And Hanley Show


That comfort in the pocket is a good thing. Because Cutler was visibly uncomfortable in the pocket before and was constantly under pressure. The additional time Cutler has had not only will increase his comfort, but also should help improve the efficiency of the passing game.

"The challenge is going to be whether Martz can break from his pass tradition and remain balanced the rest of the way. Because I've gone back and crunched the numbers at all of his previous stops," Biggs said. "And there might be a couple of games were it gets balanced and then it just gets out of wack again. That's going to be one of the real challenges moving forward for them."

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