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Wetzel: NCAA Needs To Stop Pretending

(WSCR) With the child sexual abuse scandals surrounding Penn State and the recent indictment of the former Fiesta Bowl COO, one college football expert said enough is enough with the corruption in the NCAA and BCS.

"They consistently are trying to sell this image of wholesomeness and honesty," Dan Wetzel of Yahoo! Sports told The Boers and Bernstein Show on Wednesday. "Then, when a kid does something, when a player does something, they come down hard on them. I think this has been the year when we've just seen so many of the adults get in trouble, whether it's NCAA trouble or just the unconscionable trouble that you're getting at Penn State. It's ridiculous that the people who ran last years BCS National Championship game are now being indicted.

"Overall, it's just a huge image problem for college athletics. It's not the reality of the vast majority of college athletics, but it's this coincidence that keeps on happening and keeps getting uglier at the highest levels. ... It's tough for college athletics to keep pretending that they have this moral high-ground when so many of their presidents, their ADs, their legendary coaches, their bowl directors and caught up in these scandals."

LISTEN: Dan Wetzel on The Boers and Bernstein Show


For the rest of this interview and other 670 The Score interviews click here.

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