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'We need to understand each other': Interfaith prayer service in Mount Prospect hopes to broaden understanding through peace

Interfaith prayer service in Mount Prospect hopes to broaden understanding through peace
Interfaith prayer service in Mount Prospect hopes to broaden understanding through peace 02:52

CHICAGO (CBS) -- It's is one of the world's great challenges: How do we live in peace and mutual respect amid religious and political differences?

How do we to quell violence in so many places?

Tuesday at noon, Chicagoans of various faiths and political beliefs are making their attempt to answer those questions together, all under one roof. CBS 2's Jim Williams explains. 

From the war in Ukraine to violence on Chicago streets to angry political discourse, the signs of strife are worldwide.

"This is terrible what's going on right now. There's war going on in nations but there's also war going on in our hearts and with each other. There seems to be less tolerance and there seems to be people are on edge. There's a lot of stress in people's lives."

Bruce Becker of the group Circle of Light said thought prayer might help transcend differences that are fraying society.

"In prayer, especially coming together in different faiths, we're showing we want to bring peace into our own hearts and spread that peace outward to everybody in fellowship."

And so on Tuesday at noon, at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Mount Prospect, people of various faiths and different political beliefs will come together for a prayer service. All are welcome.

"It's a chance to bridge the things that could divide us and recognize that there are things that bring us together because we all pray for peace, we all have peace as a value in our traditions and in our lives," said Pastor Christine Webb of St. Mark Lutheran Church. 

Ikbal Koseli of the Turkish American Society will be there. She's been working to promote interfaith unity for 10 years.

"We basically have adopted a philosophy that teaches us, inspires us, to reach out to others for healing, for peace," Koseli said.
"We need to understand each other, even though we come from different backgrounds, from different religions, from different educational backgrounds, by profession."

On Tuesday at the church, they will light candles and pray and then have lunch with food as a greater unifier, in the hopes that it'll be just the beginning of empathy and friendship.

"I'm learning it is possible to reach out to somebody you disagree with and it is possible to bridge that gap, as long as you can do it in peace and understand the person across from you, though you may not agree with them, that they're also a human being with a soul. They're filled with God's love, just like you are," Beckner said.

The interfaith prayer service is at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Mount Prospect. Starts at noon. They're also streaming the service online. 

Click here to register for the free event.

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