Walter's Perspective: What Is City Hall Doing To Stop The Murders?
CHICAGO (CBS) -- It seems to be generally agreed that the holiday weekend was a nice one, except for the murders in Chicago.
Ten people were slain during the holiday weekend.
There are ten murders a week in Chicago this year, more than a murder every day. There have been 200 murders so far this year.
What was done today about it? Another invitation to the media to attend another news conference to take another picture of the mayor and his police chief announcing another plan.
The new gang violence reduction strategy aims to close down some liquor stores, and ask the federal government for some help.
Sounds pretty stale to me, asking the federal government for help. How about helping yourselves?
First of all, pay your police the overtime you owe them for the NATO Summit, then hire more police officers to fill unfilled positions in your budget. Then stop threatening police with a squeeze on their pensions.
In other words, enough talk about murders. Do what you have to do to stop them.