Walter's Perspective: Root, Root, Root For The 7th-Inning Singer
CHICAGO (CBS) -- I'm from Rogers Park in Chicago on the North Side, born and raised a Cub fan -– waiting 66 years for the Cubs to be in a World Series.
The last time was 1945. I listened on the radio with my mother. I was eight years old and all these years ever since, I can't give up on the cubs, hoping for the Cubs, trying not to be angry at the Cubs.
I've been to Wrigley so many times, even a season as a Cubs batboy, and I'm going out to the ballgame on Sunday to buy me some peanuts and Crackerjack, and to root, root for the seventh-inning stretch.
I'm not too sure of myself about that and don't want to make a mistake. So I'm rehearsing and using my minute tonight to ask you, please, to wish me luck.
A little luck for me and I'll sing the right words. And you never know, a little luck for the cubs, and maybe they'll get hot and make this year the year, so I won't have to wait again for next year.