Walter's Perspective: Remember The Penn State Victims
CHICAGO (CBS) -- About Penn State tonight, I must've read and heard a million words about Joe Paterno and his teams and the tradition of Penn State and the shame of the board of trustees.
Oh, how sorry they are, and how they're trying to maintain the integrity and reputation of Penn State – blah, blah, blah. Maybe 10 million words about the integrity and reputation of Penn State.
Not one word – zero -- about trying to help the children who've been damaged by sex abuse. I haven't heard anybody on the board of trustees say anything about where those children are or about their anguish or whether Penn State is doing anything to ease their pain.
Not one word from the trustees -- or Paterno – describing the horr of sex abuse. Not a word about a commitment to support a national or even local campaign to prevent the abuse of children.
The trustees are making it clear that Penn State is not about children. It's about Penn State.