Walter: Chicago's Losing Streak Overshadows A Few Wins
CHICAGO (CBS) -- If you're a scorekeeper in Chicago adding up wins and losses, you know we're in a slump -– swinging at things and striking out.
Except for the Blackhawks last year and the Bulls this year, too many strikeouts by Chicago, like swinging at the Olympics and striking out; and at Charles Ramsey for chief of police; and "Batman" for a movie. And now swinging at NASA for a shuttle –- and wiffin' that one, too.
There's a shuttle going to New York and one to Cape Canaveral and one to L.A. None to Chicago, even though our planetarium museum is the one most focused on space exploration and the one in the middle of the country accessible to most Americans.
So why have we struck out on a shuttle? What's wrong with Chicago? Sorry, says NASA, no comment. That's just how it is. No shuttle, no comment. It's over.
But we can't stop swinging. Our win-and-lose game isn't over. It's just April. Plenty of time for the Cubs to swing at a pennant and win.