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Venezuelan migrants in Chicago say election results could sway decision to stay or return home

Venezuelan migrants in Chicago rally for change on day of election
Venezuelan migrants in Chicago rally for change on day of election 02:23

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Sunday was election day in Venezuela, and the outcome could result in ripple effects for thousands of Venezuelan migrants in Chicago. 

Many local Venezuelans rallied on the  Magnificent Mile Sunday to bring attention to the critical election and support friends and family back home. They say there is so much riding on the election, which will very likely determine if people stay or decide to leave their homeland. 

Many of those who turned out Sunday did so in support of opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez, whom they hope will end President Nicolas Maduro's 12-year rule. 

There have been growing concerns over voter fraud and whether they will be able to have a fair and free election. 

Maduro's 2018 reelection was considered fraudulent by many, including the United States. 

The current president and his United Socialist Party of Venezuela has become incredibly unpopular as many citizens blame his policies for unlivable wages, widespread hunger, and a crippling economy. 

It's the reason why millions have fled the country. 

Since 2022, 45,000 migrants have relocated to Chicago, and a majority of them are from Venezuela. Some say the election results will determine whether those migrants return to their home country or if more leave Venezuela. 

One thing most of the local Venezuelans agree on is they want change. 

"Today, we're fed up. There's 8.9 millions Venezuelans that have left Venezuela and have migrated all over the world to find a better life. Many of them have not been able to find a better life. Matter of fact, many of them have died trying to find a better life," said Venezuelan Ana Serafin. "So today, we really want these elections to happen in the most specific way possible, the most democratic way possible for us to find the freedom that Venezuela deserves." 

The election results were expected to be in as early as Sunday night.

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