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Top Chicago Movie Spots

Chicago! Not an excessive amount of movies are filmed here, but when they are, you know it. No city in the world has the eclectic, schizophrenic architecture of our downtown, or the intimacy and loving craziness of our two-flat covered neighborhoods. There just ain't no other place like it. (Don't judge my grammar now, I'm on a roll here.) We're radicool (made that word up, sweet, right?), and here are five great movies that recognize that.


Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were both filmed in Chicago. And why not? We got it all: crime, check; crazies, check; skyscrapers, check... Chicago definitely contains the gothic and questionable feel that Gotham requires. Sure, the skyline looks all pretty and fancy, but have you been under those skyscrapers? On the street? Chicago can be a dirty, crummy place. And I say this with love! I love my city, and am glad it's a good substitute for my favorite Superhero's hometown.

So do you wanna feel like Batman? And not in an insane-dress-up-like-him-and-get-arrested-fighting-crime kinda way? Then check out the same view Christian Bale was privy to in The Dark Knight and visit the Sears - 'scuse me - Willis Tower Skydeck (233 S. Wacker Drive). Look down on our crime ridden city. Know that you and your possible, latent crime fighting gifts are the answer.

Lemme take a moment to complain here. I can't believe the next Batman movie isn't going to be filmed in Chicago. There goes the edginess, I tell ya. The next one's going to be campier than Adam West's take on the character. I'd boycott if I wasn't such a gigantic nerd that I always, desperately need a Batman in my life.

Top Five Reason to Love John Cusack: "High Fidelity" x5

All chicks love John Cusack. It's a fact. And the odd thing? Guys don't even hate him for it. Well guess what, Mr. Handsome Charmington the third. This guy right here does. So take that.

I love High Fidelity though, and not only because it has Bruce "the Boss" Springsteen in it. Sure, it's kind of a romantic comedy, but it's funny too. Not to mention the fact that it does a decent job of showing off Chicago. Not the skyscrapers and all that crap, but the smaller, hip neighborhoods.

Which is the main reason it's sad you can't ACTUALLY go to the record shop Cusack owns in the movie. You CAN go to Reckless Records (1532 North Milwaukee) though, down the block from where parts of High Fidelity were filmed. Sure, the service will probably be better at Reckless than it would have been at High Fidelity, but that shouldn't hamper your time there.

The Enemy of My Enemy is My Best Friend's Wedding

This one's on here for the ladies. You know who you are (probably).

I've never actually watched all of My Best Friend's Wedding. I tried making out with a girl in the middle of it once, but she refused to lock lips with me, preferring to watch Julia Roberts and her best friend's wedding, or something. This must mean the movie's really good.

Or I'm an unattractive monster that nobody wants to kiss. Whatever.

ANYWAYS... As those of you who have actually suffered through the movie might know, the White Sox play quite a big role in the film. Now, I'm a Cubs fan personally, but don't begrudge the Sox none. All of that North Side VS South Side crap can, as your mom might say, go to H-E-double-hockey-sticks. We're all Chicagoans, why fight amongst each other when we have St. Louis and Milwaukee to hate? What I'm trying to say is this: US Cellular Field (333 West 35th Street) is actually a pretty cool place, so why not take in a Sox game sometime?

For more info on where the Sox play, check out this Fan's Guide to US Cellular Field.


Chicago, the movie, wasn't actually filmed here. So Richard and Renee can shove it.


Bueller... ? Bueller... ? Bueller... ?

Where do I even start? Ferris gives you a tour of Chicago like no other, all while dodging an angry sister and crazed principal. He drives fast, leads a parade, and even visits the Art Institute (111 S. Michigan Avenue).

If Ferris can visit the Art Institute and still be cool... that must mean we can too.

So why not? I ain't sayin' you gotta be classy from here on out, but one visit to see some of the finest art in the world ain't gonna hurt you. Just don't sit on any of the furniture in the post modern exhibits, apparently they're art.

For a more in depth look at Bueller, check out the Guide to Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Jake & Elwood, Brothers

The Blues Brothers is arguably the best Chicago movie in existence. Armed with nothing but the sultry blues, they cut a path through Illinois, fighting everything from cops to nazis.

Why not follow their footsteps?

To even things out for this article, you can visit Wrigley Field (1060 W. Addison Street). You might see some lost nazis there, but don't worry, they'll get what's comin' to them.

Also, feel free to visit the Richard J. Daley center (118 North Clark Street), on the North end of the loop. Just make sure not to drive your car on the sidewalk there. This isn't the movies, you just might hit someone (important). From there, you can have a fun day downtown. Visiting Millennium Park, and maybe even the Bean! Just make sure to pour somethin' down on the ground for the brother who couldn't be there with you, John Belushi.

Check out this Guide to Wrigley Field... if you want.

You can't really beat the Blues Brothers, so I'm endin' this rodeo (charade?) here and now. I missed a lot of movies, I know. You got a problem with it? Then let me know in the comments section, loser (aka, Doug. Sorry for not adding Home Alone, bro... NOT).
Mason Johnson, CBS Local Chicago
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