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Tillman: It's An Honor To Play With Lance Briggs

Charles Tillman and Lance Briggs have played together for a while. They've been a part of some great Bears defenses and Tillman knows how special Briggs is as a player.

"It's an honor to play with a guy of his caliber," Tillman said of Briggs. "Here's a guy who brings it every game with everything he has. I look at it as an honor to say I play with one of the best outside linebackers in the business."

Briggs has been overshadowed, at times, by the man in the middle. Brian Urlacher has been a dominant middle linebacker for the Bears since he was thrown in the starting lineup back in 2000. But the things that Briggs has done, and continues to do, for this defense cannot be overlooked.

"[He's] one of the hardest hitting [linebackers]," Tillman said. "His energy that he brings, he gets us going. His character and leadership, as a player, I look as it's just an honor to play with him."

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