Taft High School art teacher Jennifer Trejo wins Golden Apple Award
CHICAGO (CBS) -- Teachers can make a huge difference in a child's life, but they don't always get the recognition they deserve.
On Monday, a northwest side high school art teacher was surprised with the Golden Apple Award.
"We are so proud of you. We are so proud of Taft High School and everything you've done to make our neighborhood high school the best high school in CPS and the best in the state," said Illinois State Senator Robert Martwick (D-10.)
"It's incredibly overwhelming, and like there's so many amazing teachers, just to get nominated is a huge deal."
Art teacher Jennifer Trejo thought she was giving an AP test. Instead, she received the coveted Golden Apple Award for excellence in teaching to cheers from students and staff.
She's been at Taft High School in Norwood Park for 15 years. She's the first of 10 teachers in the state to get the award this year.
"It means a lot, because we're a neighborhood public school And I think we do really awesome things," Trejo said, adding that the work to prepare students and give them a creative class with many things to learn about.
"We tried, as a department, to try and give things they would want to take. So it's not just us as art teachers saying you should do this this and this, but to build a program and as art teachers diversify what we do. To always stay a step ahead, so we can give them the best that they deserve."
Trejo gets a $5,000 cash award plus a paid sabbatical to study at Northwestern University.