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Supt. McCarthy Responds To Criticism Of Chicago Police Tactics

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Chicago's top cop seems to bristle at former New York Governor Pataki's suggestion that Chicago's Police tactics deserve more attention than New York, where a "stop and frisk" procedure's been struck down, reports WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore.

Supt. McCarthy Responds To Criticism Of Chicago Police Tactics

Police Supt. Garry McCarthy refused to directly address ex-New York Governor George Pataki's comments in which he said policing in Chicago leaves much to be desired. McCarthy notes crime rates in Chicago are dropping.

"We have got a 1965 murder rate in the city of Chicago right now and I think that there is some unwarranted perceptions that exist out there. We have had a historical problem with violence in this city. We still have a problem with violence as does New York City, as does any other urban center in this country," said McCarthy.

McCarthy says he doesn't know what went wrong with New York's stop and frisk procedures but the difference between here and there is that New York has tougher gun laws and keeps more weapons off the streets.

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