Suburban Bus Aide Faces Felony For Choking Student
CHICAGO (CBS)--A bus aide is facing felony charges after being accused of choking an 11-year-old boy during an incident in south suburban Floosmoor last month.
When the boy, a student at School District 161, tried to get off the bus, Jessica Roberts allegedly shoved him back into his seat, prosecutors said. Roberts, 36, allegedly choked and sat on the student after he spilled food on the bus on the way to school and refused to clean it up, according to prosecutors.
The boy sustained minor injuries during the incident, which was caught on video.
The school district confirmed Roberts and the bus driver—both employees of Riverdale-based Paige Bus Enterprises, Inc.—were removed from their routes. A representative from Paige Bus Enterprises, Inc., refused to comment.
Roberts is charged with aggravated battery. She was released after posting 10 percent of her $3,000 bond.