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Spiegel: Nothing Quite Like A Pennant Race

By Matt Spiegel-

Every season at about this point, the baseball community subtly bonds together.

The NFL is an awesomely powerful entity, demanding reams of newsprint, endless web space, and hours of air time. I always end up channeling Dylan Thomas and doing my best to "rage against the dying of the light."

Baseball fans do not go gently into that good night.

Having a true pennant race in this town makes that fight quite a bit easier.

Nothing in sports compares to the daily tension of late August and September, when a couple of pretty good teams are fighting for precious wins every day. Depending on your media predilections, there's legitimate scoreboard watching, or bottom line scrolling, or Gamecast refreshing.

What did the Tigers do? Who's pitching against them tonight? Where do they go after this weekend?

For the rest of Spiegel's column from the Daily Herald, please click here.

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