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Someone You Should Know: Artist Chet Mayes

CHICAGO (CBS 2) - He's a hairstylist and a designer, and he creates remarkable works of art. CBS 2's Harry Porterfield says Chet Mayes is someone you should know.

The name of the establishment on East 71st Street -- Finess Ladies Apparel Boutique & Salon -- doesn't tell the whole story.

For many years, Chet Mayes has been a Chicago hair stylist, earning the title along the way as a man called "Finess."

"It's another form of art," said Mayes. "I like working with hair and being creative, as I am, with it."

His boutique is a fantasy of womens' tops, designed by him. He describes his salon as a "ladies' fashion boutique, and this is a hair salon/ art gallery."

For years, Mayes has been flirting with an old taboo.

"Up there, you see my lions," he said. "This is my icon pharaoh."

And rather than antagonizing the spirits of bad luck, he's been very successful at producing art work from mirrors he has smashed to bits and pieces. He's not worried about bad luck.

"The bad luck is when you accidentally break a mirror," said Mayes. "I break it on purpose."

As a kid, he did a lot of sketching. Then his artistic juices caused him to create portraits from broken glass, such as Elvis and President Obama.

"I don't try to think of subjects. Whatever comes to me spiritually, I do," said Mayes.

All without any formal artistic training. Mayes says he taught himself.

"I tell people this is my gift from God," he said.

Hair stylist, designer and glass artist: Chet Mayes is someone you should know.

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