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Sign On Dibs Chair In Lakeview Warns Parkers Their Car Will Be Keyed For Taking Spot

(CBS) -- In Lakeview, claiming dibs on a parking spot has taken a slightly hostile turn.

The concept of dibs? Long-time East Lakeview resident Fred Carmean says he gets it. But what he found when he walked outside his home on West Buckingham went beyond what he's seen before: A chair marking the territory of a shoveled parking space.


And on the chair, signs that said, "Expect your car to get keyed if you take this... Please don't take my spot... (Heart) Your Friendly Buckingham Neighbor."

"There were several other pieces of debris blocking other people's parking spaces, but this caught my eye just because it was so passive-aggressive."

And Carmean says he doesn't appreciate the threat that a car will be keyed.

He says he called Alderman Tom Tunney's office about it.

"It's good to have a record (of it), even if the person likely would never make good on the threat, it's probably a good thing to have a record that the threat was made."

Carmean says in the shoveled-out space right next to the spot with the you'll-get-keyed warning is a stack of boxes with a sign that says, "I'm with her."

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