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Services Set For Rockford Police Officer Killed In Traffic Stop

(CBS) -- The body of a Rockford police officer was escorted Monday evening from the Winnebago County Coroner's Office to a local funeral home.

Outside Rockford's Unitarian Universalist Church, friends, co-workers and people who never met 30-year-old Police Officer Jaimie Cox gathered. They lit candles for a vigil.

Police say a traffic stop early Sunday morning led to a scuffle between Cox and a motorist. Investigators say autopsy results show Cox died of blunt force trauma, likely from a car crash with 49-year-old Eddie Patterson behind the wheel.

Police say an autopsy on Patterson shows he died from gunshot wounds, believed to be fired by Officer Cox.

Gary Brock describes the officer as a like a bother to him. At times, he said, they would discuss Cox's military service, including time spent in Afghanistan.

Visitation for Cox will be held Friday, followed by a Saturday funeral and procession.

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