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Schuster: Will Boozer Play Wednesday?

By David Schuster-

Carlos Boozer is going to keep everyone guessing until the last minute. Will he play Wednesday night vs. Orlando?

"I may or I may not" said Boozer, which is teasing at it's very best.

So what will be the deciding factor?

"It will depend on how I feel," according to the secretive power forward.

The guess here is that he will play but if he doesn't on Wednesday Boozer said he'll be back either Friday (against Boston) or Saturday (against Houston).

Taj Gibson will likely also be a last minute decision for Wednesday. Gibson has been battling a painful ligament injury in his ankle but knowing him, he'll be out there against the Magic. The Bulls remember getting trounced by Orlando back in the pre-season and want to pay them back for that drubbing.

Other happenings from Tuesday: Joakim Noah telling us about a celebrity chance meeting he had while out in Denver. Noah was taking a steam shower at a local hotel when John Elway happened to walk in. Now, normally Noah is like a chatter box but even he can be intimidated at times and this was one of them. Noah said he wanted to let Elway "chill" which sounds funny in a steam shower but we all got the point. Noah will have his bobble head night on Wednesday and said the likeness isn't all that good taking issue with the ponytail and the lack of sideburns.

And you thought we just spoke about X's and O's when we talk to the players.

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