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Schuster: Thibodeau Means Business In Playoffs

By David Schuster--

The players were forewarned about Tom Thibodeau's playoff manuals but even they had to laugh when they got them. You know how thick the Chicago yellow pages are? Well, those yellow pages have nothing on Thibodeau's playbook. And if you thought the Bull's coach was maniacal in his preparation during the regular season, watch him take it to another extreme here in the post season.

Ronnie Brewer said the players will likely be up half the night studying the handouts and didn't discount the coaching staff having bed checks. He was kidding about the last part but you get the gist that Thibodeau means business.

The team had a one hour film session on Thursday with an optional shoot but will likely have a strenuous practice on Friday. Then the players will go home and get as much rest as possible before the early game one tip on Saturday at noon. The four games scheduled in this series all have different starting times but Thibodeau downplayed that as just the cost of doing business in the NBA.

Brewer proclaimed his sprained thumb as good enough to play with and Thibodeay said that Joakim Noah's banged up ankle and knee are fine. So, as always is the case, it will come down to which team plays better on the court as the post season starts up over the weekend.

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