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Schuster: Paul Konerko, A Hall Of Famer?

By: David Schuster

Paul Konerko still has some playing days left in his future but the end of his career is not that far off in the distance. With that in mind the question is,  will Konerko be a Hall of Famer?

For me the subject of being a Hall of Famer is basically a feel. When I was young and saw the likes of Frank Robinson or Johnny Bench I just knew that I was witnessing a Hall of Fame talent. With Konerko I'm not really sure. But when you look at his numbers and project them out playing another 3-5 years I start to question myself.

Currently (as of this writing), Konerko has 381 home runs. Provided he stays away from injury, Konerko should easily pass the 400 home run plateau this season and start moving to the magical number of 500. He's 35 years old but seems to be performing better now then ever. He also has driven in over 1,200 runs and should easily eclipse 1,500 when it's all said and done. And, unlike some other power hitters, he has maintained a decent batting average with a  career mark of .282.

Konerko would never toot his own horn but his manager, Ozzie Guillen certainly did in conversation on Sunday. "The Hall of Fame can't be too picky anymore. There's not that many great players out there anymore. You're not going to see players with 3,000 hits or 500 home runs any more. Paul Konerko did it clean and the right way and I think he will go into the Hall of Fame."

Guillen went on to say, "This man represented the game the right way. He was great with the media, the fans, the organization and with the community and that means a lot. I hope he makes it in and I think he will."

Konerko recently signed a 3 year contract with the Sox and the likelihood is that he will need to ink one more to attain those automatic numbers for enshrinement. As of today I say he's borderline but if he keeps up his current pace for another 3-5 years he'll automatically convince me and others.






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