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Schuster: Cubs & Sox News

By David Schuster--

I had a chance Tuesday morning/afternoon to catch both Chicago baseball teams. The Cubs & Sox are now both working out and I hurried from one to the other. I started out in Mesa as Marlon Byrd showed up at camp and quickly was hit with questions about his recent HBO special about his conditioning. In that special Byrd revealed that he continues to work with Victor Conte who was part of BALCOR, the company that triggered a federal investigation of steroid and other drug use. Byrd said he only takes supplements and asks MLB in advance if they are OK to take and said Conte is an expert in the field of supplements and conditioning. Byrd has never failed a drug test and says he has absolutely nothing to hide.

Then it was off to Glendale as Sox pitchers and catchers started showing up. Officially camp opens on thursday but already a lot of players are working out on their own. We had a chance to talk with Matt Thornton who has heard all the chatter about him being the closer this season but who said that no one has officially said anything to him. Chris Sale is also in the conversation for the closing role replacing Bobby Jenks.

A.J. Pierzynski also held court saying that the Sox are loaded in both pitching and hitting and that they can compete with anybody in baseball. Pierzynski who signed a new 2 year deal also said that he will have Gordon Beckham locker next to him this season to impart further wisdom on the Sox 2nd baseman. One thing Pierzynski will tutor Beckham in is to better allocate his time off the field. Not that Beckham was doing anything wrong but he also refused to say No to anybody or any request and that might have hindered his progress last season. Pierzynski laughed when he told the media that he'll be sure to have Beckham understand the word No in quick fashion.

Edwin Jackson kidded that his goals for the upcoming season are 30 wins and the Cy young award. He then got serious for a moment and said he just wants to take the ball every 5th day and hopefully help the team win. But it was also quite evident that Jackson feels fully at home now with the Sox. He came over before last season's trade deadline and had a  lot of success but he felt like an interloper. Now he is firmly entrenched on the team and was seen laughing and fooling around in the clubhouse.

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