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Schuster: Busy Day As Sox Open Camp

By David Schuster-- that's what I call a busy day as the Sox opened up their Spring Training camp out here in Glendale. Where to start? Let's start with Jake Peavy who told us that he has been throwing for the last month or so and feels fine. He then went out and threw 40 pitches off a mound and reported no pain afterwards. Peavy says he hopes to be ready for opening day but will listen to his body and be honest with Ozzie Guillen & Kenny Williams. The reality is that Peavy wouldn't be needed until April 10th because he is being slotted into the 5th spot in the rotation.

Both Williams & Guillen stated that Chris Sale will go into the bullpen. Where he pitches out of that bullpen is yet to be determined as he will be brought into games to get big outs. This will likely be much like it was Carlos Marmol with the Cubs before he because their closer. Lou Piniella used to bring Marmol into the games anywhere from the 6th-8th innings. And with so many left handed hitters in the Sox division look for sale to come in against guys like Mauer, Morneau & Thome when the game is on the line.

Mark Buehrle pretty much stated that he wont retire after this season. Whether he comes back with the Sox and signs another contract is yet to be determined but Buehrle said he believes he has more baseball in his future. He also would not take back the comments he made against Michael Vick for his conviction of dog fighting. Buehrle said he stands by what he said which was that he wished that Vick got hurt while he was playing.

Ozzie & Kenny made nice for the umpteenth time and said they hoped for drama free seasons. Both said they thought it was possible but both implied that outside forces can always creep in. Those outside forces include Ozzie's son, Oney who has caused friction in the past with his tweets.

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