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Schuster: Bulls Roll Out A Zero Performance

By David Schuster--

Talk about returning to Earth with a giant thud. The Bulls did that and more as they got clobbered by Orlando, 107-78.

This was the first game following their long road trip and some coaches say that first game back is hard to play. In reality this one was hard to watch. You had the feeling from the word go that the Bulls would never get it together and they didn't. They had absolutely no offensive flow and their defense left a ton to be desired. And then there was the rebounding which stuck out like a sore thumb. The Magic out boarded the Bulls 44-21 with the 21 being a new franchise low for the Bulls. And speaking of lows, how about Joakim Noah having as many rebounds as you or me on this night? That's right he finished with a big goose egg and he came into the game as the league's 2nd best in that category.

This was Carlos Boozer's first game following his broken hand injury and it's probably one he would like to forget too as he ended up with 5 points and 2 boards in 21 minutes. To say that he was rusty would be an exaggeration. And this was one night when Derrick Rose could not rescue his team as he finished with just 14 points missing 8 of his last 9 shots.

So it's back to the drawing board or in this instance practice as Tom Thibodeau will have a field day pointing out the numerous faults in a lopsided loss.

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