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Schuster: Bears vs Packers...The Winner Goes To The Super Bowl

By David Schuster--

Think back to the hot days of the summer. The Bears were just heading to training camp and shortly there after they finished the pre season campaign at 0-4. Did you in your wildest imagination think at that time that the Bears now would be one step away from going to the Super Bowl? And more so, did you think they would be hosting the NFC Championship game vs. their dreaded rivals the Green Bay Packers? Well in this goofiest of goofy NFL seasons that's exactly what is going to happen.

The hype for this upcoming game is going to be off the charts and a lot of people are going to make a lot of money and I don't mean just the players. The local sports stations (Radio and TV) will clean up as will local establishments all over the place. This will be one of the biggest games ever played in Chicago and the scalpers are going to have a field day.

This upcoming game is almost unprecedented. It's extremely rare for rivals like this to play each other in a title game of sorts and for the Bears and the Packers to be meeting for the 3rd time is ultra cool. The only other time these two long time rivals met in a post season was back in 1941 exactly one week after Pearl Harbor. The Bears won that afternoon and went on to beat the Giants for the NFL title the following week.

So let the hype begin. This week will be memorable for a litany of reasons culminating with a football game of ultra importance.

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