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San Diego State University Incredible Golf Trick Shot Video

By John Dodge

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Never before in the centuries of golf, has a seven putt on single hole been considered so impressive.

As part of a trick shot video, the seven women of the San Diego State University golf team lined up in a straight line and each hit a putt simultaneously, each ball dropping into the cup one after the other.

Ever since Tiger Woods' did that golf ball dribbling stunt on the driving range of a Nike commercial, thousands of trick video have emerged on You Tube and elsewhere.

But, come on, bouncing a golf ball on a sand wedge?

Not impressed.

How about doing that and passing it on to another player, who deftly knocks the ball over her head, and allows the ball to roll down her back.

A bit impressed.

How about doing all that and having one of her teammates kick the ball down the fairway?

OK, these ladies just destroyed the Internet.

The "Uptown Funk" track helps, too.


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