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Rose Leads NBA In 'Hockey Assists'

(WSCR) Here's the deal: At times, the NBA's "assist" stat doesn't accurately describe who deserves credit for a scored point.

As Sports Illustrated reports, imagine a possession in which one player hands the ball to a point guard at the top of the key, clears to the corner and watches as the point guard records an assist several seconds later on a pick-and-roll. Has that initial player contributed nothing to the scored point?

A "hockey assist" in basketball, according to STATS, occurs when Player X passes to Player Y, and Player Y then records an assist after holding the ball for two or fewer seconds and taking zero dribbles.

To help solve the problem of tracking this, 10 NBA teams have invested in a special camera system from STATS that tracks every movement on an NBA court to a precise degree.

So far, here are the leaders for "hockey assists."

1. Derrick Rose, 1.9 per game (10 games)
2. Steve Nash, 1.6 per game (8 games)
2. Raymond Felton, 1.6 per game (11 games)
4. Mike Conley, 1.4 per game (8 games)
4. Tony Parker, 1.4 per game (31 games)
6. Brandon Jennings, 1.3 per game (29 games)
6. Rajon Rondo, 1.3 per game (26 games)

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