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Read: The Incredible Irony Of Paterno's 1987 L.A. Times Interview

(WSCR) Way back in 1987, former Penn State football coach Joe Paterno was featured in a profile story in the L.A. Times.

Brace yourself, as the irony of Paterno's comments are almost unbelievable. One of the topics of discussion was that of the death penalty that was handed to SMU for recruiting violations.

Here's what Paterno had to say:

"It's unbelievable to think that kind of corruption came right from the top of the power structure. The NCAA did what it had to do."

It gets worse.

At an NCAA convention, Paterno had the following response regarding new academic regulations for African American students.

"We have raped a generation-and-a-half of young black athletes. We have taken kids and sold them on bouncing a ball and running with the football and that being able to do certain things athletically was going to be an end in itself.

"We cannot afford to do that to another generation."

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