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Radogno Hopeful For Compromise To Reduce Employers' Cost For Workmen's Comp

CHICAGO (WBBM)-- A top Republican lawmaker says she 's hopeful the Illinois General Assembly will be able to reach a compromise on legislation to bring down employers' costs for workmen's compensation, WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports.

Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno says one of the biggest factors keeping Illinois from creating more jobs is the high cost of workmen's comp. She says companies pay more for the treatment of employees sickened or injured on the job. And, she says, there was a bill that could have helped.

But, a measure to make employees prove their injury or sickness was job related was a major sticking point and the measure was defeated this week. She thinks more legislation will be crafted and approved.

Senator Christine Radogno is the guest on our at issue program this weekend and you can hear more of her thoughts on a range of topics Sunday at 9:30 am and 9:30pm.

This week, the Illinois Senate rejected a bill that would have lowered employer costs for workmen's compensation for employees sickened or injured on the job. But, the top Republican there says she's not giving up hope.

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