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Quinn: 'Most Difficult Budget Ever' Due To Pension Mess

(CBS) -- Governor Quinn says he found this his toughest budget to deliver to Illinois lawmakers, and it's getting criticism from both sides of the aisle, reports WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore.

Gov. Quinn told Illinois lawmakers there are no gimmicks or fake numbers in this budget.

"This is the most difficult budget I have ever submitted to you. But it is also an honest budget that reflects our fiscal challenges, pays down the backlog of bills, and addresses funds that have been under appropriated for too long," said Quinn.

Quinn: 'Most Difficult Budget Ever' Due To Pension Mess

Aurora Republican State Sen. Jim Oberweiss agrees with Governor Quinn that pension debt is crushing the state budget, but with Democrats in control of both the senate and the house, he says the governor can solve the problem.

"There is no excuse for not getting this solved and getting it solved now. He can stand up there all he wants and say, 'well I am ready for the legislators to send me something' but he is a governor and he has got to lead and he has got to work with his leadership to make it happen," said Oberweiss.

Chicago Democrat State Sen. Iris Martinez wasn't happy with Pat Quinn either, railing against some $400 million in cuts to education.

"I was very, very disappointed to hear that governor talk about education and that being one of the major cuts," said Martinez.

She says there is a better way.

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