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Quinn: Indiana's Push For 'Right To Work' Law Won't Hurt Illinois

CHICAGO (CBS) -- As Indiana lawmakers head toward final passage of so-called "right to work" legislation, Gov. Pat Quinn is calling it a bad move that won't help Indiana compete with Illinois for business.

Mocking the legislation as the "right to work for less" bill, Quinn joined opponents who have called such laws an assault on organized labor.

As WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports, the legislation was approved by the Indiana House earlier this month and is headed for a final vote before the Indiana Senate on Wednesday. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has said he will sign it.

LISTEN: WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports


The measure would prohibit union contracts that require workers to pay union dues.

Proponents have said it will make Indiana more attractive to businesses, but opponents say such laws are an attack on labor unions and will drive down workers' salaries.

Quinn said it is bad legislation and he said he doesn't think it will start attracting companies to Indiana. The governor said companies do quite well in Illinois with union labor.

"Having a good union work force like Caterpillar and John Deere and Ford and Mitsubishi and Chrysler; they all have – Navistar as well – they're all organized by the UAW and the UAW believes in making sure that people get a decent wage, get a decent health care plan and a decent retirement," Quinn said.

Quinn said major companies like those are thriving in Illinois with union labor.

"Take a look at Caterpillar. They had their best year in 2011 since, I think, 1947 was the last year they were as good as they were last year. They sold a lot of machinery all over the world; 90 percent of what they make in Illinois, they export to the world," Quinn said.

The governor also said he's not worried about losing Illinois businesses to Indiana.

"That ain't gonna happen, I'll tell you that. I think that's a bad bill and I'm very sorry that Mitch Daniels is gonna sign the 'right to work for less' bill. That's a bad bill for the incomes of hard-working people," Quinn said.

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