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Online chatter falsely claimed Biden suffered a "medical emergency" on Air Force One after Wisconsin visit

Biden vows to continue in presidential race despite calls to withdraw
Biden vows to continue in presidential race despite calls to withdraw 01:54

False reports that President Joe Biden had a "medical emergency" while traveling back to Delaware on Friday after a campaign stop in Wisconsin, spread widely on social media on Friday. They were without merit.

Here's a look at the facts, as per Associated Press:

Claim: President Joe Biden had a "medical emergency" aboard Air Force One on Friday.

Associated Press's assessment: False. There were no signs of a medical emergency on the flight, according to an Associated Press reporter who was traveling with Mr. Biden. Air Force One arrived at Delaware Air National Guard Base in New Castle, Delaware, at 7:22 p.m. The president exited the plane on his own, saluted and spoke with an officer at the base of the stairs and took a question from a reporter before leaving the airport.

The facts: Speaking to supporters in the battleground state of Wisconsin Friday, Mr. Biden reiterated that he would not be forced out as the Democratic presidential nominee amid increasing calls to step down, which were largely sparked by his halting debate performance.

As Mr. Biden returned to his home in Wilmington, Delaware, after a campaign stop in Madison, Wisconsin, on Friday social media users falsely claimed that the president had suffered a "medical emergency" aboard Air Force One.

Air Force One landed in New Castle, Delaware, at 7:22 p.m. about the same time posts started spreading about Mr. Biden's alleged medical emergency.

"I just received a tip from an anonymous source," reads one X post. "My source says that Joe Biden is currently experiencing a medical emergency on Air Force One as I type this. No further details are known."

Another X post states: "Joe Biden is reportedly having a medical emergency on Air Force One right now. Press access has been removed." It had received approximately 15,000 likes and 10,900 shares as of Saturday morning.

The posts presented no evidence that such an event occurred. Press access was not removed.

Video shows Mr. Biden walking down the steps of Air Force One in Delaware, speaking with an officer, answering a reporter's question about whether he would watch a highly anticipated interview he did with ABC News' George Stephanopolous and getting into a car, all without issue.

There were no signs of an emergency aboard Air Force One and the press was not denied access to the plane at any point, according to an AP reporter who was traveling on Air Force One with Mr. Biden during the flight from Wisconsin to Delaware. The reporter added that press was able to move about the plane as usual and that a door separating press from Mr. Biden's top staff was open for most of the flight.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates called the claim "100% false" in an X post on Friday night.

Other posts claimed that the press did not see Mr. Biden when the presidential motorcade arrived at his home Friday night and that his campaign had canceled upcoming events as a result of the supposed emergency.

A press pool was in Mr. Biden's motorcade when he was dropped off at his Wilmington home, according to the AP reporter who was traveling with the president. The reporter said journalists did not see him enter the house, but they routinely do not see him enter his Wilmington home because it is set back from the street and it is typical to only see the motorcade going through the gates leading to the house.

Mr. Biden had no public events planned for Saturday. He was scheduled to speak at a National Education Association convention on Sunday, but canceled after the union's staff announced a strike on Friday.

"President Biden is a fierce supporter of unions and he won't cross a picket line," his campaign said in a statement. "The President is still planning to travel to Pennsylvania this weekend."

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