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Police Search For Missing Baby In Zion

UPDATED: 8/21/2013 10:01 p.m.

ZION, Ill. (CBS) -- Police in Zion are searching for a baby who was reportedly abducted from an apartment earlier Wednesday and police are questioning the mother of the baby and her boyfriend.

Shortly after 8 a.m. Wednesday, police received a report that 5-month-old Joshua Summeries was missing from an apartment in the 2300 block of Galilee.

Joshua's mother called and indicated that her child had been abducted. Police could not confirm that information, but have launched a search in the area. About 125 officers from several agencies were involved in the search.

Sources said the mom told investigators a man had taken the baby out a window Wednesday morning. By about 1:45 p.m. Wednesday, she had changed her story several times. She finally told investigators the baby was crying a lot Tuesday night, and her boyfriend went to quiet the child. She hasn't seen the baby since.

Neighbors said the mother, child, and boyfriend had only lived there a couple weeks

"It's sad. ... It's a sad thing. You can still drop the babies off at the fire station," said Kendra Field, who knows the family.

"That hurt me when they came to the door and let me know what was going on," said neighbor Tsung Williamson. "That's sad, it really is."

Neighbor Toronda Willis said, since the boyfriend and girlfriend moved in earlier this month, they've fought non-stop.

"There was a lot of arguing all the time. I would hear the loud music. It would always be loud music and then toward the end of the evening I would hear a lot of door slamming and yelling," said Willis.

"We think it's very suspicious. We're taking it very serious. We absolutely do believe that harm could have come to this child and we're gonna keep at it until we find him," said Zion Police Chief Wayne Brooks.

Brooks said investigators believed the incident was "isolated" and "we do not believe any other Zion residents are in danger."

Police told the Lake County News-Sun that no AMBER Alert was issued, because that missing-child notification system requires confirmed information about an abduction.

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